Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2016

Install MySQL Enterprise Monitor

1 . Install MySQL Monitor center

[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor ~]# unzip
 inflating: mysqlmonitor-  
 inflating: mysqlmonitor-  
 inflating: README_en.txt           
 inflating: READ_ME_ja.txt         
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor ~]# chmod +x mysqlmonitor-
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor ~]# ./mysqlmonitor- --mode text
Language Selection

Please select the installation language
[1] English - English
[2] Japanese - 日本語
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Info: During the installation process you will be asked to enter usernames and
passwords for various pieces of the Enterprise Monitor. Please be sure to make
note of these in a secure location so you can recover them in case they are
Press [Enter] to continue :
Welcome to the setup wizard for the MySQL Enterprise Monitor
Please specify the directory where the MySQL Enterprise Monitor will be
Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor]:
Select Requirements
Select Requirements
Please indicate the scope of monitoring this installation will initially encompass so we can configure memory usage accordingly. NOTE: This setting may have a big impact on overall performance. The manual contains instructions for updating the configuration later, if needed. This installation will monitor a:
System Size
[1] Small system: 1 to 5 MySQL Servers monitored from a laptop computer or low-end server with no more than 4 GB of RAM
[2] Medium system: Up to 100 MySQL Servers monitored from a medium-size but shared server with 4 GB to 8 GB of RAM
[3] Large system: More than 100 MySQL Servers monitored from a high-end server dedicated to MEM with more than 8 GB RAM
Please choose an option [2] : 1
Tomcat Server Options
Please specify the following parameters for the bundled Tomcat Server
Tomcat Server Port [18080]:
Tomcat SSL Port [18443]:
Service Manager User Account
You are installing as root, but it's not good practice for the Service Manager
to run under the root user account.  Please specify the name of a user account
to use for the Service Manager below.  Note that this user account will be
created for you if it doesn't already exist.
User Account [mysqlmem]:
Database Installation
Please select which database configuration you wish to use
[1] I wish to use the bundled MySQL database
[2] I wish to use an existing MySQL database *
Please choose an option [1] : 1
* We will validate the version of your existing MySQL database server during the  installation. See documentation for minimum version requirements.
* Important: If your existing MySQL database server already has another MySQL Enterprise Monitor repository in it that you want to keep active, be sure to specify a unique name in the "MySQL Database Name" field on the next screen.
Repository Configuration
Please specify the following parameters for the bundled MySQL server
Repository Username [service_manager]:
Password :
Re-enter :
MySQL Database Port [13306]:
MySQL Database Name [mem]:
Use SSL when connecting to the database [Y/n]:
Setup is now ready to install MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:
Please wait while Setup installs MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Completed installing file
Setup has completed installing the MySQL Enterprise Monitor files on your  computer Uninstalling the MySQL Enterprise Monitor files can be done by invoking:
To complete the installation, launch the MySQL Enterprise Monitor UI and  complete the initial setup. Refer to the readme file for additional information  and a list of known issues
Press [Enter] to continue :
Completed installing files
WARNING: To improve security, all communication with the Service Manager uses  SSL. Because only a basic self-signed security certificate is included when the  Service Manager is installed, it is likely that your browser will display a  warning about an untrusted connection. Please either install your own  certificate or add a security exception for the Service Manager URL to your  browser.
Press [Enter] to continue :
Setup has finished installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.
View Readme File [Y/n]:
MySQL Enterprise Monitor
Press [Enter] to continue :
Info: To configure the MySQL Enterprise Monitor please visit the following page:
Press [Enter] to continue :
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor ~]#
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor ~]# cd /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor monitor]# ll
total 4744
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:44 apache-tomcat
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:45 bin
-rw-------  1 root root      324 Dec 12 23:45 configuration_report.txt
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:45 etc
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:45 images
-rw-------  1 root root   438229 Dec 12 23:46 install.log
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:44 java
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:45 licenses
drwxr-xr-x 11 root mysql    4096 Dec 12 23:45 mysql
-rwxr--r--  1 root root     9790 Dec 12 23:45
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:44 openssl
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     1466 Oct  4 20:31 README_en.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     1466 Oct  4 20:31 README_ja.txt
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Dec 12 23:45 support-files
-rwx------  1 root root  4301527 Dec 12 23:46 uninstall
-rw-------  1 root root    48780 Dec 12 23:46 uninstall.dat
-r--r--r--  1 root root       44 Oct  4 20:31 version.txt
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor monitor]#
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor monitor]# ./ --help
./ unknown option '--help'
usage: ./ help
      ./ (start|stop|status|restart)
      ./ (start|stop|status|restart) mysql
      ./ (start|stop|status|restart) tomcat
help       - this screen
start      - start the service(s)
stop       - stop  the service(s)
restart    - restart or start the service(s)
status     - report the status of the service(s)
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor monitor]# ./ status
MySQL Enterprise MySQL is running
MySQL Enterprise Tomcat is running
[root@Kilo-MySQL-Monitor monitor]#

2. Install agent

2.1 Create user
mysql> CREATE USER 'kilo'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'kilo'@'';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
2.2 . Install
[root@Kilo-Test-DB ~]# unzip
 inflating: mysqlmonitoragent-  
 inflating: mysqlmonitoragent-  
 inflating: READ_ME_ja.txt          
 inflating: README_en.txt          
[root@Kilo-Test-DB ~]# ./mysqlmonitoragent- --mode text
Language Selection
Please select the installation language
[1] English - English
[2] Japanese - 日本語
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Welcome to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent Setup Wizard.
Installation directory
Please specify the directory where MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent will be installed
Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent]:
How will the agent connect to the database it is monitoring?
[1] TCP/IP
[2] Socket
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Monitoring Options
You can configure the Agent to monitor this host (file systems, CPU, RAM, etc.)  and then use the Monitor UI to furnish connection parameters for all current and future running MySQL Instances. This can be automated or done manually for each  MySQL Instance discovered by the Agent. (Note: scanning for running MySQL  processes is not available on Windows, but you can manually add new connections  and parameters from the Monitor UI as well.)
Monitoring options:
[1] Host only: Configure the Agent to monitor this host and then use the Monitor UI to furnish connection parameters for current and future running MySQL Instances.
[2] Host and database: Configure the Agent to monitor this host and furnish connection parameters for a specific MySQL Instance now. This process may be scripted. Once installed, this Agent will also continuously look for new MySQL Instances to monitor as described above.
Please choose an option [2] : 2
Setup is now ready to begin installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
----------------------------------------#### Config connect to Center #########
MySQL Enterprise Monitor Options
Hostname or IP address ]:
Tomcat SSL Port [18443]:
The following are the username and password that the Agent will use to connect  to the Monitor.  They were defined when you installed the Monitor.  They can be  modified under Settings, Manage Users.  Their role is defined as "agent".
Agent Username [agent]: kilo
Agent Password :
Re-enter :
Monitored Database Configuration Options
Validate hostname, port, and Admin account privileges [Y/n]: Y
Configure encryption settings for user accounts [y/N]:
Configure less privileged user accounts [y/N]:
-----------------------------------------------#### Config connect to Database MySQL #########
Monitored Database InformationIMPORTANT: The Admin user account specified below requires special MySQL privileges.
MySQL hostname or IP address [localhost]:
MySQL Port [3306]:
Admin User [kiloccnp]: kilo
Admin Password [********] :
Re-enter Password [********] :
Monitor Group []:
Configuration Report
MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent (Version
The settings you specified are listed below.Note that if you are using a Connector to collect Query Analyzer data,you will need some of these settings to configure the Connector.
Installation directory: /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent
MySQL Enterprise Monitor UI:
Hostname or IP address:
Tomcat Server Port: 18443
Use SSL: yes
Monitored MySQL Database:
Hostname or IP address: localhost
Port: 3306
Press [Enter] to continue :
Press [Enter] to continue :
Start MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent
Info to start the MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent
The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent was successfully installed. To start the
Agent please invoke:
/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
Press [Enter] to continue :
Setup has finished installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your computer.
View Agent Readme File [Y/n]:
MySQL Enterprise Monitor
Press [Enter] to continue :
[root@Kilo-Test-DB ~]#
[root@Kilo-Test-DB ~]# cd /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# ll
total 4312
drwxr-xr-x 3 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:19 bin
-rw------- 1 root  root      632 Dec 13 11:19 configuration_report.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 doc
drwxr-xr-x 4 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 etc
-rw------- 1 root  root    40097 Dec 13 11:19 install.log
drwxr-xr-x 6 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 java
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 licenses
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql    4096 Dec 13 11:09 logs
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root     4096 Dec 13 11:09 scripts
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql    4096 Dec 13 11:09 spool
-rwx------ 1 root  root  4290693 Dec 13 11:09 uninstall
-rw------- 1 root  root    40017 Dec 13 11:09 uninstall.dat
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# ./etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent status
MySQL Enterprise Agent does not appear to be running
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# ./etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
Starting MySQL Enterprise Agent service...[  OK  ]
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# ps aux | grep agent
root      2532  0.0  0.0  10492   328 ?        Ss   11:24   0:00 mysql-monitor-agent -java-home /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx64m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.hprof -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/ -user mysql -pidfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/ -wait 90 -outfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.stdout -errfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.stderr -classpath /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/bootstrap:/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/lib/commons-daemon-1.0.10.jar -DMYSQL_AGENT_HOME=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent -Djava.library.path=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/lib -showversion -procname mysql-monitor-agent com.mysql.etools.agent.runtime.Bootstrap --agent-instance-dir=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent
mysql     2533  115  5.5 4083656 211016 ?      Sl   11:24   0:32 mysql-monitor-agent -java-home /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx64m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.hprof -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/ -user mysql -pidfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/ -wait 90 -outfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.stdout -errfile /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.stderr -classpath /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/bootstrap:/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/lib/commons-daemon-1.0.10.jar -DMYSQL_AGENT_HOME=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent -Djava.library.path=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/lib -showversion -procname mysql-monitor-agent com.mysql.etools.agent.runtime.Bootstrap --agent-instance-dir=/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent
root      2583  0.0  0.0 103364   812 pts/1    S+   11:24   0:00 grep agent
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent status
MySQL Enterprise Agent is running
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]#
[root@Kilo-Test-DB agent]# tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/logs/mysql-monitor-agent.log
2016-12-13 11:25:46,838  INFO com.mysql.etools.springboard.config.persist.FilePersistenceOps: (repeated 3 times) checking configuration area at /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/etc/agentManaged
2016-12-13 11:25:46,838  INFO com.mysql.etools.springboard.config.persist.FilePersistenceOps: (repeated 3 times) Using configuration area at /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/etc/agentManaged
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853 ERROR com.mysql.etools.inventory.dataflow.BackloggedDataflowHttpForwarder: (repeated 4 times) dataflow client transport error: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853  WARN com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider: (repeated 1 times) {}
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853 ERROR com.mysql.etools.inventory.dataflow.DataflowHttpForwarder: (repeated 4 times) Unable to post assets to, http status: 401 Unauthorized
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853  WARN com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider: (repeated 1 times) {}
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853 ERROR com.mysql.etools.inventory.dataflow.DataflowHttpForwarder: (repeated 4 times) Unable to post assets to
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853 ERROR com.mysql.etools.agent.transport.http.HttpPollingJobFetcher: (repeated 27 times) Unable to retrieve work orders from, http status: 401 Unauthorized
2016-12-13 11:25:49,853 ERROR com.mysql.etools.inventory.dataflow.BackloggedDataflowHttpForwarder: (repeated 4 times) sending backlog data received: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized, attempting to re-spool to backlog
2016-12-13 11:25:49,852 ERROR com.mysql.etools.agent.transport.http.HttpPollingJobFetcher: Unable to retrieve work orders from, http status: 401 Unauthorized

3 . Add agenton 

[root@VNM-Huan-MySQL-Monitor Packages]# tail -f /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/logs/mysql-monitor.log
 {"serialize and write to client":{"delta":0,"pctg":0}}]}}
2016-12-13 02:31:39,757  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{e9:aa:ab:78:e8:1f:99:bb:b1:42:72:81:0f:3e:8a:56}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:31:39,924  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-14:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:31:39,931  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-14:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:31:48,935  WARN [] (repeated 61 times) Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{78:94:5f:12:20:f9:fe:51:5c:a4:50:3c:58:ff:75:f7}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:31:48,934  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{78:94:5f:12:20:f9:fe:51:5c:a4:50:3c:58:ff:75:f7}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:31:50,420  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-1:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:02,114  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-13:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] (repeated 3 times) {}
2016-12-13 02:32:02,114  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:02,115  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:18,892  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{78:94:5f:12:20:f9:fe:51:5c:a4:50:3c:58:ff:75:f7}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:32:20,420  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-5:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:28,205 ERROR [] unknown localhost hostname
2016-12-13 02:32:28,207 ERROR [] unknown localhost address
2016-12-13 02:32:28,281  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-8:com.mysql.timing.accessLog.action] /Events.action 196 ms
2016-12-13 02:32:32,114  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-3:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:32,115  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-3:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:38,458  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:40,406  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-16:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:40,426  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-16:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:32:43,375  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-5:com.mysql.etools.monitor.inventory.AssetSelectorController] {"assSel":{"delta":15,"pctg":100,"remainder":12,"children":[
 {"conditional serializations":{"delta":0,"pctg":0,"children":[
     {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
     {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0,"pctg":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":1,"pctg":100,"remainder":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
   {"maybe diff":{"delta":0}},
   {"nodify diff":{"delta":0,"children":[
 {"getEmergencyCounts nodify":{"delta":0,"pctg":0}},
 {"serialize and write to client":{"delta":0,"pctg":0}}]}}
2016-12-13 02:32:43,532  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-21:com.mysql.timing.accessLog.action] /EventsData.action 20 ms
2016-12-13 02:32:43,543  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-7:com.mysql.timing.accessLog.action] /EventsData.action 17 ms
2016-12-13 02:32:44,229  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-22:com.mysql.timing.accessLog.action] /SystemSummaryData.action 11 ms
2016-12-13 02:33:02,114  WARN [] (repeated 3 times) Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{e9:aa:ab:78:e8:1f:99:bb:b1:42:72:81:0f:3e:8a:56}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:33:20,464  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-1:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] (repeated 3 times) {}
2016-12-13 02:33:20,463  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-2:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:20,766  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{e9:aa:ab:78:e8:1f:99:bb:b1:42:72:81:0f:3e:8a:56}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:33:32,115  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] (repeated 3 times) {}
2016-12-13 02:33:32,115  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] (repeated 3 times) {}
2016-12-13 02:33:32,114  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-10:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:32,116  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-10:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:39,101  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-8:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:39,884  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{e9:aa:ab:78:e8:1f:99:bb:b1:42:72:81:0f:3e:8a:56}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:33:40,085  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-7:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:40,092  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-7:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:33:47,349  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{78:94:5f:12:20:f9:fe:51:5c:a4:50:3c:58:ff:75:f7}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:33:48,864  WARN [] Os {com.mysql.etools.inventory.model.os.Os : ssh:{78:94:5f:12:20:f9:fe:51:5c:a4:50:3c:58:ff:75:f7}} has no host, using identity for name
2016-12-13 02:33:50,419  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-1:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.os.OsProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:34:02,114  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:34:02,115  WARN [cme.schedule.Scheduler-12:com.mysql.etools.agent.collection.mysql.AgentAssetProvider] {}
2016-12-13 02:34:03,646 ERROR [] unknown localhost hostname
2016-12-13 02:34:03,648 ERROR [] unknown localhost address
2016-12-13 02:34:03,738  INFO [http-nio-18443-exec-11:com.mysql.timing.accessLog.action] /Events.action 176 ms

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